Cancellation Policy

  • A 24 hour notice is required for all cancellations.
  • Cancellations may be performed through a phone call, text or email.
  • If you fail to cancel within the 24 hour parameter, you may be charged the full amount of the service for which you were scheduled.
  • Please keep in mind that not keeping appointments and failing to give adequate notice, affects not only Crossroads Physical Therapy, but also the other patients who might like to be seen.
  • Even though the scheduling program is automated to send a reminder email or text, based on your preference, there may be times when the system fails.  It is the patient’s responsibility to know when their appointment time is scheduled, to check with the clinic to confirm if needed, and to arrive on time.
  • If late cancellations or late arrivals to scheduled appointments become a chronic occurrence, we reserve the right to cancel upcoming appointments.
  • We do also understand emergencies and life happen and certain circumstances may be excluded from the above requirements.